Monday, May 8, 2017

Notice of Eviction

Today at 4:35p.m. a police officer who I've known most of my life had the task of delivering eviction papers to me. He said he had at least twenty more to hand out because the new owners wanted as many of us out as fast as possible. I understand business and how sometimes a "chosen few" must give up their homes for something called immanent domain. As a Native American, I should've seen this coming when the new owners bought the place. It's the 2017 edition of the "Trail of Tears." They bought the place the last of March and wasted no time getting their new property "in order."
As a renter, I pretty much knew I could be kicked out at any moment but living here nearly seventeen years and my breast cancer diagnosis gave a me false sense of security. "They wouldn't put a cancer patient out of her home, right? They'd at least give me thirty days, right?" NOPE! But I do's business.
The new owners want to build a townhouse/apartment complex here. It's their right...they paid a reported "million 5" for the property. Unfortunately, I thought I'd have time to look for another home instead of living in my car but legendary comic Steve Harvey says he had to live in his automobile...and look how successful he is!  lol
To stay in my home, I was to pay the normal $425 in rent. The new manager came by--with a receipt book but refused to take my money. First, she couldn't take cash anymore--ok. Secondly, she couldn't even take a check, ok. She said they could only take money orders but it was "too late" and she'd only come by to make sure I knew the new owners were taking me to court. Got it. I accept it. What choice do I have? It's business.
My oncologist sent a letter documenting my "multiple medical problems including ongoing cancer treatments, etc., and is of the opinion that she not be removed from her home for at least six weeks." That would give me until June 15th. The letter goes into further details but I do not think it will help. As it stands now, I continue to look for another home but seven days isn't enough time; I have no family to take me in nor a place for my medical equipment. But what is really hurting my heart is since I can neither sell nor give her away, my nine year old chihuahua "Julie" will have to go to the only shelter around here...and it is a kill shelter. Suddenly, living in my car doesn't seem so bad. "Julie" is getting me through breast cancer...maybe I can get her through this eviction. She's my business.


  1. Where are you now, Dyane?

    1. After months of in and out of various ICUs, I now live with my son & family in the "Gibbs" area. We've kinda "moved on up. like George and Wheezy" if you're old enough to remember The Jeffersons. The home is now completely "Internetted" if that's a word! So glad we are "back together"! More later BUT read any good books lately? lol

  2. Please check your yahoo mail.


The Day I Was Supposed to Die

I had it planned for June 14th. I had gotten my "affairs" in order, bought a new car for my son to drive after I was dead and aske...